VCE Rules of Behavior for External Users

Note: The Rules of Behavior apply even if you do not read them. Violations may result in loss of computer access and subject to disciplinary action which may include being subject to adverse administrative actions or other corrective actions as appropriate.

  1. You must conduct only authorized business within the VCE system.

  2. Your level of access to systems and networks owned by VCE is limited to ensure your access is no more than necessary to perform your legitimate tasks or assigned duties. If you believe you are being granted access that you should not have, you must immediately notify the VCE Helpdesk at or 609-562-5988.

  3. You must maintain the confidentiality of any credentials such as your CAC pin or AKO password. Do not reveal your authentication credentials to anyone; a VCE employee should never ask you to reveal them.

  4. You must follow proper logon/logoff procedures. You must promptly logoff when session access is no longer needed. If a logoff function is unavailable, you must close your browser. Never leave your computer unattended while logged into VCE.

  5. You must report all security incidents or suspected incidents (e.g., improper or suspicious acts) related to VCE systems and networks to VCE Helpdesk at or 609-562-5988.

  6. You must not establish any unauthorized interfaces between systems, networks, and applications owned by the VCE

  7. Your access to systems and networks operated by VCE is governed by, and subject to, all federal laws, including, but not limited to, the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, if the VCE maintains individual Privacy Act information. Your access to VCE constitutes your consent to the retrieval and disclosure of the information within the scope of your authorized access, subject to the Privacy Act, and applicable state and federal laws.

  8. You must safeguard VCE resources against waste, loss, abuse, unauthorized use or disclosure, and misappropriation.

  9. You must not process U.S. classified national security information within VCE.

  10. You must not browse, search or reveal information hosted by VCE except in accordance with that which is required to perform your legitimate tasks or assigned duties.

  11. You must not retrieve information, or in any other way disclose information, for someone who does not have authority to access that information.


I have read the above Rules of Behavior for External Users for VCE. Each time you log in, you agree to comply with these Rules of Behavior and as a condition of being authorized to review and use the VCE Information System (IS). You also understand that you may review, inspect, and use the data only within the scope of Your official duties. By my electronic acceptance, I acknowledge and agree that my access to all VCE systems and networks is covered by, and subject to, such Rules. Further, I acknowledge and accept that any violation by me of these Rules may subject me to civil and/or criminal actions and that VCE retains the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate, cancel or suspend my access rights to VCE systems at any time, without notice.